December is the time to sum up the results of the year and make new plans.

21 Dec 2022, 09:22
📆 December is the time to sum up the results of the year and make new plans. We have prepared a series of posts about 2022 for Infinity Rocket. We will also tell you about the company's development opportunities next year. 🎯 Infinity Rocket 2022 achievements to be proud of. IRT was placed on the forth exchange in June (LBank). The main development stage of the Infinity Rocket launchpad is finished. The open beta-testing, launch and pilot airdrop on the launchpad are conducted. Market Maker Tools that helps managing token price is developed and launched. Strategically significant agreement with Listing.Help is signed. The 19K+ IRT holders level is reached. We’ve survived the 2022 crypto crisis and reached our goals from the Project Road Map. To be continued.

Same news in other sources

21 Dec 2022, 09:22
🚀 New Infinity Rocket opportunities. The biggest discovery of the year is rising interest to market making products. We are going to develop this sphere even more actively in 2023. We are already allocating resources for project making and releasing. ⚡️ Our development priorities for 2023: ▫️Launchpad development, new projects attraction. ▫️Development of software tools for market making. Market Maker Tools sales launching on DEX and then - Market Maker Tools on CEX. ▫️Making IRT token a payment method of the Infinity Rocket eco-system. ▫️One of the biggest challenges for us will be to launch the platform with limit-bots to work on DEX for everybody. This will allow to trade any tokens using comfortable interface. ☝️ In our previous plans we paid attention only to the launchpad platform. That is the point which is different this time.
New Infinity Rocket opportunities. The biggest discovery of the year is rising interest to market making products.
🚀 New Infinity Rocket opportunities. The biggest discovery of the year is rising interest to market making products. We are going to develop this sphere even more actively in 2023. We are already allocating resources for project making and releasing. ⚡️ Our development priorities for 2023: ▫️Launchpad development, new projects attraction. ▫️Development of software tools for market making. Market Maker Tools sales launching on DEX and then - Market Maker Tools on CEX. ▫️Making IRT token a payment method of the Infinity Rocket eco-system. ▫️One of the biggest challenges for us will be to launch the platform with limit-bots to work on DEX for everybody. This will allow to trade any tokens using comfortable interface. ☝️ In our previous plans we paid attention only to the launchpad platform. That is the point which is different this time.
21 Dec 2022, 09:22
The black swans of the year. This year all the main difficulties came from the outside. We are constantly communicating with analysts which helped us to foresee the phase of economic turmoil. However, it was difficult to face the autumn crypto collapse. Our strong side is that we are focused on working with DEX. This sphere now seems go be more reliable than some centralized exchanges. In this case we’ve made the right decision which allowed the project to survive during hard times. Although, under such circumstances it’s become more difficult to attract new investors and projects. The only thing left for us is to wait until people could trust this sphere again. 🚁 All the things related to the company and the team stay manageable. Everything happens according to the plan, all the products are released on time. To be continued.
The black swans of the year. This year all the main difficulties came from the outside.
♟ The black swans of the year. This year all the main difficulties came from the outside. We are constantly communicating with analysts which helped us to foresee the phase of economic turmoil. However, it was difficult to face the autumn crypto collapse. • Our strong side is that we are focused on working with DEX. This sphere now seems go be more reliable than some centralized exchanges. In this case we’ve made the right decision which allowed the project to survive during hard times. • Although, under such circumstances it’s become more difficult to attract new investors and projects. The only thing left for us is to wait until people could trust this sphere again. 🚁 All the things related to the company and the team stay manageable. Everything happens according to the plan, all the products are released on time. To be continued.
21 Dec 2022, 09:22
☀️ The brightest moment of the year for the company is the Infinity Rocket Launchpad platform opening on September 9th. On the opening day we were watching the number of the platform users grow and couldn’t stop smiling. 🐾 As you may remember, we have overcome 1000 users in a couple of days. 🌀 The main insight of the year was the development of the direction of creating professional tools for market makers. We’ve released really useful Market Maker Tools on DEX. The traders who were working with it left us some great reviews. 👨🏻‍💻 The products of that kind are in demand, so we are going to continue developing our product and launch some new ones. To be continued.
The brightest moment of the year for the company is the Infinity Rocket Launchpad platform opening on September 9th.
☀️ The brightest moment of the year for the company is the Infinity Rocket Launchpad platform opening on September 9th. On the opening day we were watching the number of the platform users grow and couldn’t stop smiling. 🐾 As you may remember, we have overcome 1000 users in a couple of days. 🌀 The main insight of the year was the development of the direction of creating professional tools for market makers. We’ve released really useful Market Maker Tools on DEX. The traders who were working with it left us some great reviews. 👨🏻‍💻 The products of that kind are in demand, so we are going to continue developing our product and launch some new ones. To be continued.