Do you know why crypto projects are special.

17 Jul 2023, 09:38
😎 Do you know why crypto projects are special? The Infinity Rocket team decided to talk about the features of programming crypto projects. After all, our specialists have a significant background of web and crypto development. It was them who brought out the IRT token and listings, launched the launchpad and Market Maker Tools for DEX / CEX and continue to develop products. 🔥 Most important things in crypto projects. The basis for the development of any project for crypto is the solution of security issues. 1️⃣ Transactions cannot be canceled. 2️⃣ To approve each transaction, access to the wallet is required via web-connect, or using a Private Key. This data requires a high level of protection both when writing code and when storing data on the server. Therefore, most often developers make an extensive structure that works at the level of containers hosted on different servers. The same situation happens to the security of storing API access keys. And if any of the containers is attacked, the whole system remains intact and protected. Such tasks require highly qualified development departments. 🔥 About programmers. Programmers working in a team must have special skills in many areas. Let's take a closer look. Cryptography. ▫️ Cryptographic encryption allows you to build authorized access to data, protect information from malicious attacks, and provide basis for transactions. Smart contract management. ▫️Smart Contract is a computer protocol designed to verify or execute the terms of a contract in digital form. With the help of smart contracts, almost the entire DeFi space is built. They are used, for example, for exchange on decentralized exchanges, participation in IDO, payment for goods and services, management of protocols and communities, etc. Data structures. ▫️The blockchain network consists of data structures and, generally, a block is also a data structure. Data structures are important for a blockchain developer because they help to understand the basic functionality of the block. Blockchain architecture. ▫️ Architecture is a fundamental concept of blockchain. The developer should be fluent in the architecture of block chains, public blockchains, etc. Network protocols. ▫️ Is also an important component of blockchain technologies. Blockchain protocols allow network nodes to securely exchange information over the Internet. Web and mobile development. ▫️ Most of the projects are implemented in the form of web applications, Apps. Therefore, programmers should have the tools to create high-quality mobile applications and web interfaces.